Minibus Manchester
If your planning any kind of trip in and around Manchester or even further afield why not give us at ST Minibus Manchester a call. All of our mini buses are pre-booked so you won’t be left waiting to be collected at any part of your journey. We can accommodate for 1 person in our 4 seater vehicle all the way up to 16 people in our 16 seater mini bus. The 16 seater mini bus is sometimes referred to as a 17 seater mini bus, this a misconception as the 17th seat is taken by the driver. We will only provide our mini buses with a driver. All of our drivers have superb local knowledge, however we provide all of Manchester mini buses with the latest sat navs so we can monitor any traffic updates or road closures to ensure the best route is always planned for your chosen destination.
Trips with excess baggage
wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could take everything you wanted to on your Mini bus trip. Well here at Manchester mini bus we can provide a trailer where required, so if it’s the golf clubs for a quick 9 holes, the bikes for lots of outside fun and fresh air, or lots of luggage for the airport, have no fear you won’t be travelling with the fire exits blocked or sat on your companions knees you will be transported in comfort, style and more importantly safely to your destination.
why book with us?
I’m pretty sure that every Manchester mini bus company boasts of how clean, well maintained, and well priced they are, and it’s safe to say that this is all true of stminibushire. We don’t however believe this should be a selling point we believe this should be provided as a minimum operating standard. We also look into every journey that is booked with ourselves and ensure that the driver has enough time to complete the journey without rushing and also that the drivers meet the legal requirements for time of and driving hours. We again believe it is our duty to keep you the passenger and our drivers as safe as possible. We are a local hard working team who strive to provide you with the best experience possible.